Ed began his Vocational venture working in the workshop,
which he enjoyed immensely. He was
recently given the opportunity to work at the Children’s Museum in West
Hartford, CT. He appeared nervous at first with working with the different
animals. Ed is very serious about getting his work done and doing it correctly.
On one occasion stand out to me in particular. On this day, Ed seemed nervous when picking up the
chinchillas to move them into the pet carrier. When he would try to pick them up, they would scatter
away. This made Ed jump back. His
response was “these little buggers are fast”. This made both of us laugh. Ed after several tries caught them so that he could continue
cleaning the cage. He then had to
put the Chinchillas back into their cage.
While doing this he was talking to them and telling them to stay
still. Ed was successful at put
the chinchillas back in their home.